Bees Who?

*We badly need to update this page. :3 *

The Bees are an international, interracial, and sexy possibly interesting pair of writers who made the commitment to one day spend their lives together. Unfortunately, it’s distance that keeps them apart for now. These former long distance relationship lovers are now together after more than three years living on opposite sides of the world.

This blog is dedicated to those who might have a similar situation with the two bees–sharing their story, advice, and other musings about their unconventional relationship from opposite ends of the world. They hope sharing their story can help others find the best ways to live a fulfilled romantic life from half a world away. Or to those who enjoy seeing the pain of others (you know, LDR Blues), you just might get a laugh.

From the Philippines, there’s Jenny Bee. She likes rice a lot. She used to devour books, but now a good portion of her time is occupied with writing, bee-ing, and piggy-ing. She’s great in bed with doodling on her notebooks, and taking screenshots of Timmy during their Skype sessions. There are only two things she’s obsessed about: Timmy and Something that only Timmy knows.

Over in the United States, there’s Timmy Bee. Timmy, a name only Jenny is allowed to refer to him as, is a baseball fanatic and aspiring writer. He’s great at trivia, drinks lots of water, and decided after two years in a long distance relationship with Jenny that he’d ask her to marry him.

Got a question or comment? Hate us so much you want us to take down this blog? Any donations? E-mail us at or

“You’re real!!!” — both of us on our first “physical” day together (relieved we weren’t catfished, I guess 🤣)


6 thoughts on “Bees Who?

  1. I saw you featured in Humans Of New York in Instagram. I checked out your blog.
    It’s funny as heck!

    Now I’m hooked.

    It’s your fault’

    (I’m Filipina btw. Living in Manila and in an LDR with a guy in Chicago, so your story resonates with me too!)

    Please write some more!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kumusta, kababayan? 🤣

      Aww. I know being in an LDR is tough (I don’t ever wanna go back to that situation, even though I’ll forever be grateful it happened). But if you stick it out and keep the love strong, it will be all worth it when you’re finally together. Just hang in there! 😁


  2. Hello! Visiting here from Humans on NY. My husband and I met in 2000 though is sister. I lived in Cuba, he was in the USA. We started a long distance relationship and 2 years later we got married. We have 2 children now and are still happily married.
    So excited to know about the 2 of you. The writing here is really good! You need to write a book about your story. You’re very talented. The book’s titled should be just the name of your blog.


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